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A peek into the future!

  • Posted on
  • By Jonn 'J-Dogg' Karsseboom
  • 3


It's a long process really. The planning for next year's crop of color begins years before. I'd like to take you along on this single step with Ryan (our grower). We're seeing a "Pack Trial" where several plant breeders show their new introductions. Get ready. It's quite the experience.



  1. Jonn Karsseboom Jonn Karsseboom

    Hi Linda! I’m not sure the video could quite capture our excitement for the upcoming years. There are some amazing plants ahead of us!

  2. Linda Linda

    I can't imagine how you choose! It's like a plant fashion show. I'm sure it is exciting to see them all and inspire yourselves for next season. Thanks for sharing! English and Science teachers were always the coolest and the most memorable!

  3. Therese Monroe Therese Monroe

    Wow! What a lovely lift to see the beautiful colors we can anticipate in next season’s flowers. Such a treat to watch, thank you!!!

  4. Nancy Jodoin Nancy Jodoin

    What an amazing array of colors. Can’t wait to come to The Garden Corner next year to select the flowers for my yard and hanging baskets. It’s obvious the Passion that goes into this.

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